Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March READER Time - Changes

March 2016
Changes are happening here at READER Time!!!  Before I go into those details, let me back up and explain why. . . . .
This is our 3rd month since establishing READER Time and making an intentional effort toward growing a family of READERs.  We are continuing to make progress - but we've also had some set backs along the way.  After sliding through winter with only a few sniffles, March met us with some nasty bugs.  And, of course, my kiddos were so good about sharing. . . . .and taking turns!  What's up with that?!?! 
While I hoped I would write that we are all on the mend, sadly another victim is on the couch with a bucket beside them.  Needless to say, all our routines have fallen to the wayside.  Even my plan to post this month's reading list was set aside to tend to what's really important right now. 
However, the delay of getting the READER Time post up for this month gave me a little more time to ponder what I've started here.  I questioned the purpose of listing what my family is reading for the month.  It's such a specific list of books that probably only fits my family - not a themed list by any means.  How could this be helpful to anyone else?  I love to Pin book lists, but I usually go for themed lists, or at least age categorized lists.  I really was struggling with how our list was going to benefit anyone else. 
Then I realized that I didn't want READER Time to be a book list!  There are plenty of those already out there.  I want READER Time to be encouragement!   
So back to the beginning!  Changes are happening here at READER Time!!!  And I am so excited about it!!!  READER Time will now be a monthly post that offers tips, encouragement, helpful info, even some great resources, and occasionally a themed reading list.   I am so excited for what is planned for the months ahead.  The ideas just started lining themselves up faster than I could jot them down.  I love those moments!
I am so excited for what is in store for READER Time!  And I hope you'll join me on this journey, so that we can all grow into READER families!!!