Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kool-Aid Play Dough

As an incentive for my toddler to get dressed (we're trying to teach him to do it on his own) I promised play dough, but of course we have none.   I pulled down our play dough box and all we found were crumbles and hard pieces.  So I pulled out our favorite play dough recipe and the fun started!

Kool-Aid Play Dough
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 pkg. kool-aid unsweetened mix - any flavor
1 cup boiling water
1-1/2 to 2 tsp. oil

I boil the water in a large pyrex measuring bowl in the microwave.  Then I add the salt and try to desolve some of it before adding the kool-aid, flour and oil.  I mix it with a wooden spoon for awhile, since it's quite hot.  Then I give them each a chunk to roll out and knead.  The more the kids work it the smoother it gets!

Any flavor of kool-aid will work, but we didn't have much luck with pink lemonade - it came out almost white.  Our favs are grape and cherry.  Oh, the smell is wonderful - your little ones might be tempted to try a taste.  Although, it wouldn't hurt them any, just not taste very good!  You just might have to mix up some kool-aid to drink, as well.  But, alas, I'm out of that now too!

Have fun!!!!


  1. Once again I'm looking up this recipe from you. I've used your recipe for this for years! Thank you. :)

    1. Great! I'm glad to be a "go-to" resource for you! And thanks for the reminder - it's about time I fix another batch or two for us, as well. Perfect for rainy days like today. :)
