We recently made some adjustments in our laundry room. Of course, I forgot to take any before pics, and these were the best I could find. You'll have to look beyond my cuties to see the sad state of my laundry room prior to our fix up.
Basically, we had a standard wire shelf that ran across the back wall of the laundry room above the washer and dryer. Not the most ideal set-up. I would attempt to hang-dry items from the edge of the shelf, as you can see in the pics, but there just wasn't enough room for anything larger than the children's clothes.
With a quick trip to Home Depot - oh, who am I kidding . . . that's almost like saying I can take a quick trip to the Teacher's store. Anyway, a small purchase of some closet shelf accessories (less that $30, if I remember correctly). I found that we could use the same shelf, cut and hung with an adjustable system.